Remove shortcodes in PDF

Removes a shortcode by tag (shortcode slug name) in the generated PDF, in this example we’re removing a shortcode with slug: responsivevoice.

// removes specific shortcode in PDF
function dkpdf_remove_shortcodes_bytag( $content ) {
    $pdf = get_query_var( 'pdf' );
    if( $pdf ) {
        remove_shortcode( 'responsivevoice' );
        add_shortcode('responsivevoice', '__return_false');        
    return $content;
add_filter( 'the_content', 'dkpdf_remove_shortcodes_bytag');

Removes all shortcodes in the generated PDF.

// removes all shortcodes in PDF
function dkpdf_remove_all_shortcodes( $content ) {
    $pdf = get_query_var( 'pdf' );
    if( $pdf ) {
        return strip_shortcodes( $content );
    } else {
        return $content;
add_filter( 'the_content', 'dkpdf_remove_all_shortcodes' );